Solar Media Collective


Code of Engagement

We, the Solar Media Collective, aim for our activities and events to be collaborative, inclusive and explorative experiences. Therefore, we commit to:

  • Fostering a collaborative spirit that uplifts everyone’s unique perspectives, insights, and knowledges,
  • acting out of respect for others,
  • providing equitable opportunities for everyone to participate, which means actively listening to others and not interrupting others or dominating discussions, 
  • making space for and inviting others to speak when they haven’t yet had a chance,
  • approach disagreement with curiosity and constructive critique.

We strive for our events to be free of harassment. We understand harassment as: 

  • verbal comments that reinforce social structures of domination related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age, religion (or lack thereof), technical skill level,
  • deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, or recording without consent,
  • sustained disruption of talks or other events,
  • inappropriate physical contact,
  • unwelcome sexual attention and sexual language,
  • disclosure of personal data (doxing), or sharing other contributors’ private information, such as name, place of employment, physical or email address without their explicit consent,
  • repeatedly critiquing someone’s work mainly with the intent to upset or discourage them,
  • trolling, or deliberately disrupting or posting in bad-faith to intentionally provoke,
  • advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviour.

When someone is asked to stop any harassing behavior, they are expected to comply immediately, or will be asked to leave by the organizers.

Covid Protocol
We encourage the use of masks. If you are experiencing Covid symptoms, we kindly ask you to stay home.