Solar Media Collective


back to basics

Workshop announcement that reads, "Make your first website workshop" with HTML markings

starting from nothing but a text editor and a web browser, we will code our way to HTML/CSS basics and make a first website!

this workshop will help you get started with creating websites from scratch, without using any framework.

beginners welcome! — no need to know how to code.
bring your own laptop and charger.
we also encourage the wearing of masks.

WHERE: Concordia University, EV building, Resource Room EV 11.705
WHEN: Thursday Sep 14, 2-5pm
Code of Engagement

the workshop is open to Concordia students and the general public.
max number of participants: 15

facilitator: Edith Viau
organized by the Solar Media Collective
supported by funding from the Milieux Institute

If you missed the workshop, you can find the content here!

A woman with brown hair and glasses standing in front of a screen for a presentation